Actually, hubby igt nk bg during hantaran, but since ms tu kekangan duit as byk lg mende lain yg memerlukn, we decide to bought it lps kawen aje klo ada rezeki.
And mmg janggal gile pkai fon cmnie as aku mmg bese ng Nokia shj dr dlu zaman 3210, wpon penah cuba brand lain, still stick to Nokia. And as my fren Elly said, mmg BB n iPhone ni sgt leceh sbb sehari jek dh abes batery. Elly smpai jual BB dia! Hikhik.. Aku mmg game addictor, so try to get use to it.
And.. Most important aku br cuba apps yg leh upload blog thru Blogspot which is BlogPress. Yg lain byk utk WordPress shj. Maka lps nie, aku akn merajinkan diri menge-blog apa shj di picisan ini! Hahaha... I'll try!!
Ok.. Sbnrnya bkn tu yg aku nak bebel kt cnie. Hari nie hari yg menghepikn aku
Ohh.. Nie bkn pic Ayu ye.. Haha!!
Ko xleh haplod ye Ayu? Meh aku haplod kan...
Hahaha.. Now we can share tips2 bersama plus Ayu sgt rajin meng-surf psl pregnancy which is yg aku sgt malas nk buat. Hahaha!!
Again, CONGRATEZ my dear! Am so happy for you..
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
5 ulasan:
tengs dear! tapi td jumpe doc ada berita yang tidak berapa menggembirakan. Tapi takpe, tunggu next week check lagi. Aku td ade whatapps ko tp tak deliver...nnti check eh
wahhh congrats to ayu...smlm try to wish her kat blog dia tp bila aku komen jerk error, x tau napa...hehe...
to ko, welcome back & selamat m'update blog...hehe
tengs elli! So kekdah acid folic itu memang berkesan. Sila balik rumah dan cuba ye!
pasal ko takleh komen blog aku tu pun aku pelik sbb aku pun rase ade prob kt blog aku sbb bila aku update je, dia takde dalam reading list. Dah 3, 4 ari baru dia kuar... bengong kot template aku tuh
Laaa. aku sendri pon xleh komen nih!
Ha.. Buleh lak! Elly, kami rase resipi Cameron Highland berkesan! So.. Sila la drag ajaq bercuti2 di Cameron yaaa... InsyAllah! :)
Aku nie lg excited klo ko yg peknen. Entry lg besauuuu alu buat!! Hahaha...
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