tp simply..kdg2 aku suke gak
sbb bile kite nk slalu b'cerita tentang diri kita
kita xtau nk describe cmner
so...melalui soklan2 tagging nie la
kita dpt m'jwb seikhlasnya&m'ekspresskn pd reader
about ourself rite?
so..nie nk byr utang tag lapuk dr maz&mawar
Rules: The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.
I am
I really want to go to
relaxing at the beach
My favourite place is
katil ku..coz sleeping makes me beauty!!hahaha..
(perh...dpt katil cmnie,lg ar lmbt bgn!!)
My favourite colour is definitely
red and black!!
(merah lambang berani..hitam lambang berahi!!) ahahahaha...
My favourite food is

nasi putih +ayam goreng kunyit + sambal belacan
My favourite drink is

air mangga gelas besar kt dato' keramat
(gelas besar nie baru rm1.5o ok??murah kan?? dan sgt pekat & sedap)
I attended
SMKA Simpang Lima
SM Teknik Cheras
And this
This is my favourite story
aku mmg sgt gile kan citer nie..
lagu2 dia yg best & kisah cinta mereka yg soOOoo sweeEEttt...!!
I was born in
Klinik Wanita Jamal Kuala Lumpur
(xjupe plak pic link to dis clinic..mayb coz clinic nie dh not exist!)
My hobby is
(my motto:sleeping makes me beauty!) :p
I live in
keramat best!!! hihi....
and I wish for
I am

I really want to go to

My favourite place is

(perh...dpt katil cmnie,lg ar lmbt bgn!!)
My favourite colour is definitely
red and black!!
(merah lambang berani..hitam lambang berahi!!) ahahahaha...
My favourite food is

nasi putih +ayam goreng kunyit + sambal belacan
My favourite drink is
air mangga gelas besar kt dato' keramat
(gelas besar nie baru rm1.5o ok??murah kan?? dan sgt pekat & sedap)
I attended

And this

This is my favourite story

lagu2 dia yg best & kisah cinta mereka yg soOOoo sweeEEttt...!!
I was born in

(xjupe plak pic link to dis clinic..mayb coz clinic nie dh not exist!)
My hobby is

(my motto:sleeping makes me beauty!) :p
I live in

and I wish for

xtau nk tag sape lagik...yg slalu jadik mangsaku: elly, shila, opy & the gang.
and welcome to my bestress fren, sheera!! u also been tagged
and welcome to my bestress fren, sheera!! u also been tagged
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