Citer psl delivery Adam Aareez still dlm draft xsiap2.. Hahaha..
Tetiba arini makan punye pasal, aku teruja plak nk update blog
Since kaSih sgt ssh utk cuti,
So bila dia cuti, aku sgtla memanfaatkan waktu dia utk aku&anak2
Klo time cuti dia kuar ng kwn, dia blk mmg muncung aku pjg sedepa la kan... Hahaha..
Cuti Thaipusam br nie
Kami pegi ke Nilai 3
Semata2 nak beli tilam lembik utk umah sewa kami nant
•umah sewa?? Tu cite entry lain la..•
Blk dr Nilai 3,
kaSih ckp nk bwk g mkn tempt yg kita xpernah mkn
So, aku cm.. Gi mana ek?
No idea
KLCC ok x?
Ada apa ek KLCC?
Bantai jelah... Cm da lama gak xg msk dlm KLCC tuh..
Dat day bwk Irfan main kt kolam air kt park tu je
Hurm.. Tgk kt instag, ramai jek kwn2 cm mkn kt Chilli's tu
Rs cm nk try
Tgk malay&arab (with hijab) ramai yg queu..
kaSih siap g i'view doorperson tuh tmy psl halal&cara masak&bla bla bla..
So dia ckp
Jom jelah try

Nie meal aku.. X igt plak nama menu nie..
Firecracker ..... Cmtulah namanya..
Hrga rm28++ cmtu
Pd aku, the fish is nice. Sos dia cm rs herbs2 gituw..
Nasi tu sgtla xkena ng tekak aku
Sgt rs berempah&too dry
Fresh vege ok

Yg nie kaSih punye meal.. Chic breast..
Hrga RM40 kot..
The mushroom was awesome
Chic okay jelah..
Mashed potato cm sedap gak+ada beef bacon utk mkn ng mashed potato tu. Kuah kena mintak sbb dia xde gravy.
Score: 7/10

Kids eat for FREE! 1 adult main course entitle to 1 FREE kids meal
Macaroni&cheese tu sgtla xsedap!
Tastless, &the penne were overcooked. Lembik. Naseb bek FREE.. hahaha...
Tp ayam&fries tu awesome! Ayam tu cm udang goreng tepung, sgt crispy tepung dia.

Yg plg awesome, the view.. Sgt marvellous! Klo mlm new year, syok tgk bunga api dr sini.. Hehe..
Overall, the bill was RM99.50! hurm... Service okay la..
N i really dont get what "Chilli's" stand for? Mknn sume nyer x pedas pun??? Hurm...
Mebi this is 1st&last i'm having dinner here. At least, nie bukanla tempt yg kitorg xpernah mkn...! Hahahaha...

Irfan sentiasa dgn fries nyer.. Siap nak cicah ketchup hokay?!

Pose seblom makan... Irfan dh jeling2.. Doa dh baca, bila mau mkn??

Aareez yg xtau pape.. Lena dlm stroller..

My kaSih... Thanx for da treat!! (^_^)

"gendang gendut tali kecapi..
Kenyang perut senang hati!!"
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