ahaha..alang2 aku da pandai guna YOUtube nie, nie aku nk tnjuk kt korg kitorg pny mini projek numerical method. hehe...
kitorg mmg di-assign utk buat video n kena post kt YOUtube.hehe....enjoy it!
Isnin, 9 Jun 2008
My Parachute Project
tertutup sudah pintu, pintu hatiku
yang pernah dibuka waktu, hanya untukmu
kini kau pergi dari hidupku
ku harus relakanmu walau aku tak mau
* berjuta warna pelangi di dalam hati
sejenak luluh bergeming menjauh pergi
tak ada lagi cahaya suci
semua nada beranjak, aku terdiam sepi
** dengarlah matahariku suara tangisanku
ku bersedih karna panah cinta menusuk jantungku
ucapkan matahariku puisi tentang hidupku
tentangku yang tak mampu melakukan waktu
repeat *
dengarkanlah kau matahariku
dengarlah matahariku suara tangisanku
ku bersedih karna panah cinta menusuk jantungku
repeat **
Agnes Monica
da lama x dgr lagu nie..
tetiba dgr, rs cm touching plak
t'igt kenangan lama..
Samson - Kisah Tak Sempurna
aku memang tak berhati besar
untuk memahami hatimu di sana
aku memang tak berlapang dada
untuk menyadari kau bukan milikku lagi
* dengar dengarkan aku
aku akan bertahansampai kapan pun
sampai kapan pun ooo
maafkan aku
yang tak sempurna tuk dirimu
usailah sudah
kisah yang tak sempurna untuk kita kenang
andai aku dapat merelakan
setiap kepingan butiran kenangan indah
andai aku sanggup menjalani
setiap detik dan waktu yang datang dan oh
Sabtu, 7 Jun 2008
i miss u..ayah..
ujan kt luar sana
btol2 buat hati nie b'tmbh sepi
apa yg aku tgh buat nie??
sdgkn aku sepatutnyer leka menelaah
POM subjek exam isnin nie
tp hati nie t'lalu resah
tegar nyer kau mengeluarkn p'kataan itu dr mulut mu
sedihnya hati nie menerima p'kataan yg kau ungkapkan
dr mulut mu yg selalunya m'ungkapkn kata2 kasih
kata2 syg..
tp mengapa mlm nie b'beza skali?
seolah2 kau benar2 dh xtahan dgn sikap ku
sikap yg jengkel..onar..
kuat merajuk
kuat menanges
cepat terasa hati
sdgkn kau yg mengatakn hati ini
umpama tisu
yg senang t'koyak
sdgkn t'kena setitis air pon
mampu merosakkn helaian tisu itu
tp kenapa skg kau seolah2
dh xmahu m'jadi pelindung tisu itu
dr rosak..dr disakiti..??
teruk sgt ker aku nie?
demand sgt ke bila aku
memerlukan secebis perhatian?
salah aku ke bila aku
m'jadi paranoid bila hati nie
dihancurkan oleh org yg pernah aku syg
sepenuh hati?
di kala ini lah
hati aku terasa sepi
hati yg m'jadi kosong slps pemergian ayah
tiada siapa yg mampu m'jadi p'gantimu ayah
tiada siapa yg mampu menyayangi ku
memanja kn ku
spt mana yg kau curahkn padaku ayah..
salah kah kerana aku tlalu m'harapkn mereka
m'jadi seperti mu ayah?
apakah kire nya kau ada di sisi
aku xperlu melalui semua ini..
huhu..sesungguhnya kau insan yg t'lalu mulia
dsbbkn itu Tuhan lebih menyayangimu
lebih dr aku menyayangimu & memerlukan mu
ayah...yia rindukan ayah..
tenanglah kau di sana
satu masa, kita akn b'sama
dan b'pimpinan tgn tanpa mungkin melepaskan
Jumaat, 6 Jun 2008
subjek sume susah2..
1. numerical method..
2. princ. of mgmt
3. eng. econ
plg aku menci
eng. econ tu!
ntahapa la..
xpaham btol aku..
ada ke nk kena bljr ekonomi plak
mana lar aku reti..
nnt keje cm apply jek sume tu..
satu lg numec tu..
bljr senang
skali bile exam
soklan amik dr planet mana ntah!
pny la susah!!!
geram nyer..
tp arini dpt berita gembira la..
adik chumel kesayangan aku -LEAN
dpt result GPA 3.82!
giler ah..
aku pon xpenah smp 3.8
siap chemist dia dpt A+!
huh...ada gak A+ rupe nyer..
aku igtkn A dh terel giler dah..
i'm proud of u..
Khamis, 5 Jun 2008
Benarkah dakwaan berikut? Jika benar apa tindakan semua? Cuba lihat analisis penganalisis berdasarkan maklumat yang didapati hasil pembacaan penganalisis mengenai harga minyak di Venezuela!
Rumor adalah seperti berikut, tetapi penganalisis telah membuktikan harga minyak di Venezuela seperti perkiraan di bawah. (Manakala harga minyak di negara lain akan disahkan kemudian kerana kesuntukan masa atau rakyat Malaysia boleh mencuba menyelidik sendiri)
UAE– RM1.19/liter
Eygpt– RM1.03/liter
Bahrain– RM0.87/liter
Qatar– RM0.68/liter
Kuwait– RM0.67/liter
Saudi Arabia– RM0.38/liter
Iran– RM0.35/liter
Nigeria– RM0.32/liter
Turkmenistan– RM0.25/liter
Venezuela– RM0.16/liter
MALAYSIA– RM2.70/liter
PDSVA (company macam Petronas) in Venezuela is an example that currently owns 24 refineries worldwide and sells petrol at N7 per litre. Due to the policies of Venezuelan oil company PDVSA, the Venezuela are able to enjoy $0.19 (atau RM 0.6197) per gallon or N6.12.
Jika 1 gallon (US, liquid) = 3.7854118 litre maka, harga seliter minyak di Venezuela akan jatuh pada harga RM 0.16370742 !!!!!!!!!!
Perbandingan statistik di atas adalah berdasarkan maklumat semasa pada hari ini!
p/s: negara2 kt ats nie sume negara p'eksport minyak
cm m'sia gak
tp nape negara dorg dpt menikmati subsidi minyak nie
sdgkn negara kita yg m'eksport RM80bill/thn
still xmampu m'berikan subsidi kpd rakyat nyer..
lg nk hapuskan subsidi adalah!!
12 hours post fuel price hike
antara nyer..
12 hours after the fuel price hike comes into effect, based on the responses gathered so far, the sentiment is awful.
I can safely assume that Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s reputation has gone down the drain and as a person, he may just go down in Malaysia’s history as the most unpopular Prime Minister.
Personally, I’d say that Pak Lah did the right thing at the wrong time. When fuel price was in the rise since many months ago, as general election was looming that time, hence due to strategic reason and the necessary feel good factor, he wasn’t in the position to increase the price. Fair enough, every single politician will do that.
Eventually, as Pak Lah reiterated to the public after the announcement of the petrol hike, he said it’s imperative to change lifestyles. I reckon that this time around, changing lifestyle is no longer an option. It’s a must, it’s for real without the subsidy system, do-or-die.
Nevertheless, albeit the melancholy in our own back yard, it’s our Singaporean friends who stand to become the biggest beneficiary, instantly.
Rabu, 4 Jun 2008
fuel price hike 0.78 sen! gile arh pakLah!!
New fuel subsidy scheme to be announced Wednesday
KUALA LUMPUR: A new fuel subsidy scheme will be announced Wednesday and take immediate effect to prevent speculations.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the anti-inflation committee will decide Tuesday on the various proposals by the Cabinet.
Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad that a new fuel subsidy scheme would most probably implemented in August.
Abdullah said: “He said might be. As far as the subsidy management scheme is concerned, the final decision will be made on Wednesday. (concerned ke??!!)
Asked whether the announcement would take effect immediately, he said: “We want it to be effective immediately. If not, there will be a lot of speculation.”
He did not disclose what the new subsidy scheme would involve. (takut la tue...!)
Earlier at Parliament, Shahrir said any change in the subsidy scheme might result in a rise in petrol and diesel prices.
He said the scheme might be changed in August as stated by Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop earlier.
"It will happen. Petrol will increase," he said at the lobby of Dewan Negara on Monday. However, he said Malaysians would still enjoy subsidies but it would be given based on need and not on usage currently. (Malaysians or selected kroni??)
tp arini at 4p.m, kite dikejutkan dgn berita..
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Wednesday announced price hikes for petrol, diesel and electricity.
He said the new price for petrol is RM2.70 a litre, effective midnight tonight. The price goes up by 78sen from the current RM1.92, a hike of 40%.
Abdullah also announced that the price of diesel would be increased by RM1 from RM1.58 to RM2.58.
He also said that Tenaga Nasional Bhd would be raising electricity rates by 18% for homes and 26% for business users.
(nie lah hadiah kemenangan pakLah!selamba dia jek announce sume hrga naik!)
The announcements are part of the new fuel subsidy plan.
Abdullah also announced a RM625 annual cash rebate per vehicle, for owners of private vehicles with engine capacities of up to 2,000cc, as well as pickup trucks and jeeps with engine capacities of up to 2,500cc.
(dia igt cukup ke?? RM625/12mths=RM52.08/mth)
Owners of private motorcycles with engine capacities of up to 250cc will receive RM150.
Payment will be made via Money Order upon renewal of road tax, from July 1.
For owners of private vehicles with engine capacities exceeding 2000cc, road tax will be reduced by RM200.
Owners of private motorcycles with engine capacities above 250 cc will get RM50 reduction in road tax.
huhu..xtau la nk ckp apa..
negara p'eksport minyak
rakyat suffer nk guna minyak..
agak2 pakLah ley tdo mlm ke
bile sume org sumpah seranah dia??
Isnin, 2 Jun 2008
CONGRATE tu KaJoL, piEjA and JuE!!